Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A New Day A New Diet

Hi, everyone. Bare with me while starting this blog. I have decided to start this process for a few reasons. First, is obviously dieting, I feel like my whole life I have been on a diet, failing at one just to start another, and yet fail again. It is a very frustrating cycle to be on. My husband left for business April 15 and will not be returning until May 15. At the start of his trip I decided that this time was going to be different, I had 8 weeks to lose 15-20 pounds, which is very doable. However, this time wasn't any different, I have managed to lose just 3 pounds, and only have 3 weeks until he returns. I have been working out for an hour +, 5 days a week doing cardio and weights. My goal for this blog is the have some sort of accountability, and a place to put my thoughts. I just want healthy stable weightloss. I also would appreciate any tips that anyone has to share, and would also like to provide encourage to others that struggle with this issue as well. Finally I would like to improve my writting skills, and would love feedback on what I can do to improve.
So to get started, my weight is 135 and I am 5'3 my goal weight is 115-120. I am starting my diet tomorrow, I will be purchasing a food scale and following a low calorie diet eating fruits vegies and lean protiens. I will blog every night, and give updates on weight every Monday.

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